Dear Yukirin,
I know that I have not been able to use WordPress much lately, however I wanted to be the first in my time zone to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on July 15th. Japan is 12 hours ahead of me, so I wanted to time my greeting before you start going out to nightclubs and such tonight. Be careful, young one!
Uncle Denny.
Everyone else: Please enjoy my tribute to Yuki Kashiwagi 柏木 由紀 (Kashiwagi Yuki), born July 15, 1991 in Kagoshima Prefecture of Kyushu, Japan. The delightful Yukirin was born in the shadow of Mount Sakurajima, an active strato-volcano! (Ask a Geology-nerd what that is).
Yukirin is my second-favorite AKB Member … and the subject of my photo tribute for her special day.
You know, except for the salt, this WAS my dream last night, Yukirin.
Yuki-chan … I said TAKE DOWN the drapes not WEAR them!
CLUE: OK, I have Colonel Mustard … with the Candlestick … in the Library … Or was it all Yukirin ?.
Remember Yukirin: an apple a day … er … uh … um … er … heh heh .. what was I saying?
Note for future reference: All I had to do was show up at the pool party holding a bag of “Doritos” and Miss Kashiwagi immediately kicked off her shorts!
Kashiwagi-sama: Obama called, he said something about you “getting off your high horse” …
… then Clint Eastwood called. He says you can KEEP the chair now.
(Denny imitating British actor Sir John Gielgud) Yes, I know that you went to “Finishing School” dear girl, I can still smell the varnish!
Help me Yukirin! I think I have scurvey!
Yes, indeed! You did bring my favorite flavor Yukirin!
Aye, Yukirin, I have the same kilt meself.
Are you kidding Yuki? Auto workers in the USA LOVE Schlitz beer!
HA! Well, I will have you know that I made a FORTUNE in weight guessing young lady!
Yuki? Yuki? Oh, there you are HONEY …
WHAT??? … WHAT??? Wait, let me turn OFF the wind machine Yukirin!
Last time I lend Yukirin my credit card number.
Yes, Miss Kashiwagi, I would be happy to give you my 100,000 mile “bumper-to-bumper” extended warranty !
You are CORRECT Yukirin, this place does need a good set of door-knockers!
Yes, thank you for the recommendation Yukirin, indeed I think I will “stay at the Y” tonight!
Some say the volume is half-full, some say it is half-empty. I say “sit down you morons” I can’t see Yukirin!
What?!? I will have you people know that I only have “warm and fuzzy” feelings for Kashiwagi-san.
Yes, thank you for explaining how your “two seam fastball” breaks down-and-in on right-handed batters. Oh, and how can I get one of those “milk-fed” mustaches?
Please do not be JEALOUS ladies, Yuki only looks this good because she “does it all with mirrors”.
So much Yuki! … so little room. Enjoy my retrospective Yukirin SlideShow!
Click to view slideshow.Happy Birthday Miss Kashiwagi!
I wish I could do justice to how talented Ms. Kashiwagi is. She is a trooper. I wanted to link some performance videos of her amazing 3rd solo concert, however Record Industry Weasels have removed every last one! … every last one!
See more Yukirin on my Pinterest board linked here.